Title: anime|otaku
Writer(s): Michael
URL: http://animeotaku.animeblogger.net
Feed: http://animeotaku.animeblogger.net/wp-rss2.php
Indexed since: July 1, 2006
Description: I've moved to AnimeBlogger.net! There are more serious posts, less idiocy, less fat and fanboying! My blog's new caption is <i>hopefully incisive and intellectual disquisitions on anime</i>. I hope you like it!
Writer(s): Michael
URL: http://animeotaku.animeblogger.net
Feed: http://animeotaku.animeblogger.net/wp-rss2.php
Indexed since: July 1, 2006
Description: I've moved to AnimeBlogger.net! There are more serious posts, less idiocy, less fat and fanboying! My blog's new caption is <i>hopefully incisive and intellectual disquisitions on anime</i>. I hope you like it!