Title: Brave New Moe
Writer(s): weirdy8
URL: http://bravenewmoe.com/
Feed: http://bravenewmoe.com/rss2
Indexed since: Oct. 28, 2015
Description: Seasonal Anime Blog Posts. Skannerarray was a former writer of ours and left years ago. I'm the main writer theweirdman. check my username on MAL to verify
Writer(s): weirdy8
URL: http://bravenewmoe.com/
Feed: http://bravenewmoe.com/rss2
Indexed since: Oct. 28, 2015
Description: Seasonal Anime Blog Posts. Skannerarray was a former writer of ours and left years ago. I'm the main writer theweirdman. check my username on MAL to verify