Title: conspicuous klu[x]
Writer(s): kluxorious
URL: http://kluxorious.blogspot.com
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ConspicuousKlux
Indexed since: June 9, 2010
Description: klux is an tard who writes animu/mango reviews and rants that can be interpreted as junks by others but sparks of brilliance to few special ones. She is also a beginner at collecting figures.
Writer(s): kluxorious
URL: http://kluxorious.blogspot.com
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ConspicuousKlux
Indexed since: June 9, 2010
Description: klux is an tard who writes animu/mango reviews and rants that can be interpreted as junks by others but sparks of brilliance to few special ones. She is also a beginner at collecting figures.