Title: j1m0ne's blog
Writer(s): j1m0ne
URL: http://atemonai.com/blog/
Feed: http://atemonai.com/blog/feed/rss2/
Indexed since: June 20, 2007
Description: Seiyuu-centric blog. Run by j1m0ne, who spends more time listening to anime music and anime/seiyuu radio than she spends time watching actual anime.
Writer(s): j1m0ne
URL: http://atemonai.com/blog/
Feed: http://atemonai.com/blog/feed/rss2/
Indexed since: June 20, 2007
Description: Seiyuu-centric blog. Run by j1m0ne, who spends more time listening to anime music and anime/seiyuu radio than she spends time watching actual anime.