Title: Just Another Heaven
URL: http://justanotherheaven.wordpress.com
Feed: http://justanotherheaven.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Dec. 16, 2013
Description: ~ Music reviews and whatnot ~ Just Another Heaven is a blog that reviews Japanese music, most of it being anison. You will find track-by-track reviews that are both objective and subjective, a growing artist list, as well as the opportunity to recommend some new artists and songs to the reviewers in order see more of what YOU want.
URL: http://justanotherheaven.wordpress.com
Feed: http://justanotherheaven.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Dec. 16, 2013
Description: ~ Music reviews and whatnot ~ Just Another Heaven is a blog that reviews Japanese music, most of it being anison. You will find track-by-track reviews that are both objective and subjective, a growing artist list, as well as the opportunity to recommend some new artists and songs to the reviewers in order see more of what YOU want.