Title: Life, And Anime
URL: http://reallifeanime.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://reallifeanime.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: April 25, 2014
Description: My concern to try and direct my audience to that which will help them become better people, even if that means just easing their stress. And so, I try my best to first seek the good in a show before all else. I realize not everyone is looking for the same things that I am, but just because you don’t know what you want doesn’t mean you don’t want it. I will get you someday; never fear.
URL: http://reallifeanime.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://reallifeanime.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: April 25, 2014
Description: My concern to try and direct my audience to that which will help them become better people, even if that means just easing their stress. And so, I try my best to first seek the good in a show before all else. I realize not everyone is looking for the same things that I am, but just because you don’t know what you want doesn’t mean you don’t want it. I will get you someday; never fear.