Title: rayout
Writer(s): rayoutblog
URL: http://rayoutblog.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://rayoutblog.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: May 16, 2013
Description: The rayout anime blog is home to the writings of two guys who take Japanese cartoons way too seriously. We typically don't do episodic blogging or even reviews. Rather, our blog chiefly trades in analysis. The bulk of the content on rayout concerns thematic or structural elements in anime that we find interesting. Occasionally, rants may surface. Though the staff are big mecha fans, rayout is open to all genre of anime and all types of anime fan.
Writer(s): rayoutblog
URL: http://rayoutblog.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://rayoutblog.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: May 16, 2013
Description: The rayout anime blog is home to the writings of two guys who take Japanese cartoons way too seriously. We typically don't do episodic blogging or even reviews. Rather, our blog chiefly trades in analysis. The bulk of the content on rayout concerns thematic or structural elements in anime that we find interesting. Occasionally, rants may surface. Though the staff are big mecha fans, rayout is open to all genre of anime and all types of anime fan.