Title: seiyuu3
Writer(s): houkoholic
URL: http://www.seiyuu3.net
Feed: http://www.seiyuu3.net/feed/
Indexed since: Sept. 10, 2007
Description: seiyuu3 (pronounced seiyuu-san/せいゆう-さん - a pun on the Japanese reading of “3” and the honorific title) is the first trilingual seiyuu-centric blog site. The three languages that are used on this blog are English, Chinese and Japanese. While there are a number of dedicated seiyuu blog sites in Japanese, very few (next to none) are written in English or Chinese - even though there is a sizeable number of seiyuu fans which are from these two language backgrounds. Created and maintained by houkoholic and sent, two foreigner seiyuu fans currently residing in the origin of seiyuu culture itself - Japan -, the aim of this blog is to become the gathering spot for people who shares the same passion towards the people who provide the life-giving voices to characters of creative works such as anime and games – no matter how many language one speaks.
Writer(s): houkoholic
URL: http://www.seiyuu3.net
Feed: http://www.seiyuu3.net/feed/
Indexed since: Sept. 10, 2007
Description: seiyuu3 (pronounced seiyuu-san/せいゆう-さん - a pun on the Japanese reading of “3” and the honorific title) is the first trilingual seiyuu-centric blog site. The three languages that are used on this blog are English, Chinese and Japanese. While there are a number of dedicated seiyuu blog sites in Japanese, very few (next to none) are written in English or Chinese - even though there is a sizeable number of seiyuu fans which are from these two language backgrounds. Created and maintained by houkoholic and sent, two foreigner seiyuu fans currently residing in the origin of seiyuu culture itself - Japan -, the aim of this blog is to become the gathering spot for people who shares the same passion towards the people who provide the life-giving voices to characters of creative works such as anime and games – no matter how many language one speaks.