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Kaiyodo is going to release the Revoltech EVA Prototype Unit-00 Ver. 2.0 ( エヴァ零号機 Ver.2.0 ) action figure from the anime movie “Evangelion 2.0 You can (not) Advance” ( 新劇場版エヴァンゲリオン「破」 ). Per-order is taking from July 7th to August 10th 2009. Will be released on October 27th 2009. Around 140mm tall, [...] Related posts:Evangelion 2.0 You can (not) Advance Revoltech No.69 EVA Provisional Unit-05 action figure by Kaiyodo Kaiyodo iEvangelion 2.0 You can (not) Advance Revoltech No.67 EVA Type-01 Ver. 2.0 action figure by Kaiyodo Kaiyodo iEvangelion 2.0 You can (not) Advance Revoltech No.68 EVA Production Model-02 Ver. 2.0 action figure by Kaiyodo Kaiyodo iEvangelion Ayanami Rei Fraulein 008 1/10 action figure by Kaiyodo Kaiyodo iMacross Plus Revoltech No.53 YF-19 action figure by Kaiyodo Kaiyodo i
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