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Yes you see right, Disney presents Gurren Lagann Marvel I gave you all a little Gurren Lagann love last Wednesday, but it felt hollow because there was no Gurren Lagann pictures in that batch. Today is different. Today I present to you official, and non-official art from Gurren Lagann that is of unknown origin; only that it was found by Live Journal user Csakuras. They could be from some staff doujinshi, or some kind of super secret stash of fan art that was hidden away for future generations to see; basically, this is the dead sea scrolls of anime fandom. Some of these are crossovers of Gurren Lagann characters doing cosplay, while others are the characters themselves drawn by other manga artists, and the rest are just spiral power in paper form. Enjoy.   You can't deny that this makes you hot This too Poor guy
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