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Tomorow, at the Washinomiya Shrine, the matsuri with the traditional mikoshi parade will take place. At this parade will also be featured the Lucky Star mikoshi I photographed last month in the Washinomiya station, and from the video below it seems that this will be the main attraction… Details: The Washinomiya train station: The Washinomiya Shrine torii: This is a recording from the last year. I would have loved to be there… Mâine, la altarul Washinomiya are loc un matsuri, la care principala atracţie este parada de mikoshi. La paradă va participa şi mikoshi Lucky Star, pe care am fotografiat-o luna trecută în staţia de tren Washinomiya. Iată o înregistrare de la parada de anul trecut. Mi-aş fi dorit să fiu acolo… <object data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="600" height="420"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param></object> (via Japan Probe)Muza-chan on
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