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Luffy and company join the battle.Rubber + Earthquakes = !?Summary:The battleship Luffy and company were riding on was caught by the tsunami Whitebeard created and got stuck at the top when Akoji froze the waves. Luffy and company were wondering how to get back down when the frozen waves crumbled and plunged the battleship into the middle of the fight between the Marines and Whitebeard's forces. Everyone significant in the battle make a remark at the unexpected guests. Upon arrival, Crocodile immediately goes for Whitebeard but he is blocked by Luffy, who states that since Ace likes Whitebeard then Whitebeard can't be a bad guy. Whitebeard and Luffy then have a little Q & A session ending with Luffy stating that he'll be the one to save Ace and become the Pirate King while Whitebeard tells Luffy to stay out of his way.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lol I was initially wondering how Luffy's battleship got up so high, but the explanation turned out to be really obvious. Anyways, the hero has finally arrived, and everybody who matters has taken interest. Are all the bad guys going to come after Luffy at once, or will Luffy face them one by one? The top priority for Luffy is to get Ace off of the execution platform, so he can't really afford getting into lengthy battles with anyone. Hancock is definitely going to help Luffy, and I think Garps will help his grandsons when it really matters. Crocodile might join the bad guys, but Ivankov might force him to help by threatening to reveal his secret. The battle was a mess already, and now it'll be even more chaotic.
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