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Nebs has shared with us all a little secret regarding FUNimation's recent stream of the anime  Strike Witches . It appears as if the stream is actually the complete uncensored DVD version of the anime, with nudity and everything! The first two episodes that aired last weekend did not have any nudity, but now with episode three and four we are exposed to the real selling point of Strike Witches. When this show was released on Crunchyroll and Youtube last year, the nudity was sadly edited out; but now FUNimation has saved us all by letting it all hang out. As Nebs points out, FUNimation has just provided us with both free and legal naked lolis (perhaps the only time you will see “naked loli” and “legal” in the same sentence.) So the next time you see FUNimation at a con, you should definitely give them some hugs; or buy their DVDs, they would like that as well. You don't believe me? I'll show you proof!    NSFW WARNING: Click here to reveal hidden content.
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