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It appears that Code Geass is going to have a new picture drama entitled: "Revival Re:advent"The event is going to happen on December 5, 2009 in celebration to Lelouch's birthday!Big Event: The Miraculous Rebirth [or Birthday or Revival ]Event Info:The main cast has a new picture drama coming out.Surprise!Tokyo International ForumPre-orders start on the 10th of this month.General marketing starts on the 10 of next month.1 2nd edition 7800.3rd edition 6800 yen [about $75-ish in today's market].[Translator Note: I'm not 100% sure about the word "edition" in this line and the next since the kanji here usually refers to the counter for storeys or floors of a building. The word "level" or "release" might be more appropriate.]Fans of course are excited about this and many are discussing whether this could mean that Lelouch is actually alive or he's going to be reincarnated. Other possibilities that I see is that it's just an alternative story/universe, or a what-if scenario, or maybe the staff just wants to drive us crazy. Haha!I look forward to this very much because not only Lelouch makes a comeback, my goddess C.C. and my dear Rolo are also there! Oh December hurry!!!Credits/Note:~ official page for more information about the event~ yedijoda for the translation of the event info
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