informs the world that Aisora Manta’s light novel comedy series, Haiyore! Nyaruko-san has been green-lit for an anime adaptation. But not just any normal anime adaptation, a flash anime adaptation. Why should you care? Well, because the story is about a boy who is saved by a cute silver haired girl after being chased by aliens (happens to me all the time.) However, as you can expect, this isn’t a normal girl, but Nyarlathotep of Cthulhu Mythos.
Nyarlathotep is basically one of the Outer Gods who is more like the devil than someone like
. In his first appearance he walks the earth gathering followers using magical instruments. Of course in this anime, she won’t be called Nyarlathotep, but Nyaruko. The
cancer continues to spread, this time absorbing a Lovecraftian god into it. We are all doomed.
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