did so well at SaiMoe-- even if all of its characters wound up shut out of the
, the quarter-finals were 50% Saki characters, after all --that I keep kicking myself for not having watched it and therefore not being familiar with its characters. I actually had wanted to watch it (I'm interested in mah-jongg), too. I know some of you already saw it, of course, but I think a lot of us skipped it, so when I realized that Saki is on the list of shows we have access to at Crunchyroll, I thought: why don't we watch it together?
So I'm going to post a Saki episode per day until the series ends-- that's 25 episodes, so we should finish about the week before Thanksgiving, assuming I don't miss a day here and there. Or that I decide the show is really terrible or boring and I just can't stand posting it anymore-- though I kinda doubt that. We'll see!
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Okay, kids, here's the first episode. I'm going to sit down and watch it a bit later (I have to scoot off to the office now) and share my comments, so I hope you will too!
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