RT @AnimeJackpot Bleach Playing Cards Giveaway! http://zp63z.th8.us 12:52:58
RT @otakureview Claim Your Booty! One Piece Gets New OVA in 2010 http://bit.ly/3gWBAL #Anime 12:54:13
RT @davidmbigler Cute pics of our cats sunning themselves for #meowmonday http://twitpic.com/o0qtt and http://twitpic.com/o0qv6 12:55:43
RT @japansociety Fascinating #history of Japanese names: http://bit.ly/28jura #language #genealogy via @tokyomango 14:29:15Related Posts:Twitter Digest - 2009-09-29Twitter Digest - 2009-10-19Twitter [...]
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