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When it comes to reading the manga version of this story, I've actually been very erratic about it. While I'm aware of the upcoming twist in the story, I am not aware what lead up to it up until this episode. It's the same thing with the ending. Although I know what happens at the end, I still have no idea about what transpired beforehand. The strange thing about this is that I don't mind it at all. I do admit that it's pretty weird that I am spoiled for some parts of the story and yet not in others. But I always like this kind of narrative device in a film so I don't mind it either in real life. A good example of this was that film called Memento* (yeah, I'm aware of the self-reference nature of the name). In that film, the viewers already know the ending right from the very beginning but how it transpires is the main attraction of the story.
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