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 Renya...? Sure, Big Windup second season might not make it to North America, but it's still making it to Japan. You know what else Japan gets? All the new Code Geass projects! (Though the likelihood of licensing there does seem better.)Anime!Anime! has announced that amidst the bonus extras on the DVD for Code Geass's Kiseki no Birthday event (which took place in early December), there shall be footage of the new Code Geass project. But...what project is that? I mean, sure, it could be "footage" of mangaka creating the new Shikkoku no Renya manga, but hey, it could also be footage of a new anime project, too,  Of course, this DVD is coming out in April, so hopefully we'll have gotten announcements of a couple more of these new projects. But in any case I'm pretty sure they've just clinched quite a few added sales in Japan...
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