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This is a bit disappointing after last week's episode. I think the result of the mindwipe is a bit unrealistic. I mean what's the point of doing this if it actually puts Lelouch in even bigger problem? In addition to this, there aren't that much plot going on apart from Mao and C.C's story. I am glad that this particular arc seems to be over for now. Mao is probably the worst character on this series. He's way too over the top and ridiculous. His character design is also a disappointment especially compared to the other characters. I think the only subplot that interest me at the moment is the possibility of Ougi/Villetta pairing. There's so much conflict to be mined out of this. On the other hand, what happened to her and Shirley reminds me a bit too much of Death Note, so I wonder if the writers unintentionally use Death Note's plot points in this series.
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