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K-ON! OVA For all the bitching I did about K-ON! when it first came out, I’ve decided I really like this show a lot. I guess I just needed to watch it outside of the gaze of the otaku viewing public and the internet anime community to really discover what I enjoy about it personally. It’s just a fuwa fuwa time. I like to watch K-ON! when I’m tired or sad or just before bed - it’s so relaxing and cheerful. This extra episode made me smile the whole way through it. I was smiling at the cute culture shock of a live show in Japan compared to the kind of shows I’m used to - I’ve heard about 4pm doors and afternoon-long soundchecks-slash-rehearsals being required of all bands from my friends who’ve played in Japan. I want to tour there! This episode was actually pretty accurate to the stories I’ve been told by other bands, funny enough. I was also smiling a bunch at Yui’s genki “my-pace” antics - even if she’s mentally subnormal, I love that girl - and the wholesome, reflective oomisoka vibe with the bright, forward-facing New Years Day at the end (above). Really it’s hard to watch this show without smiling and feeling peaceful. It’s that contagiously cute slow pace, tea sipping, sweets eating feeling that K-ON! gives. Fuwa Fuwa~
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