Word over on Moon Phase is that a new OVA for the light novel series Kurenai, written by Kentarou Katayama and illustrated by Yamato Yamamoto, is in the works. Kurenai, which already got a TV anime adaptation in the spring of 2008, revolves around a young man named Shinkurou, a high school martial artist who works as a dispute mediator for the mysterious Benika, who winds up taking care of a 7-year-old heiress to an unusually traditional family. The anime, produced primarily by Brains Base (with names like Tatsunoko and Bee Train working key animation), was quite attractive and well-received, if not a mega-hit, so I'm betting a few of you will be excited to see this show. Unfortunately, Kurenai is something of a victim of backlash against the license-everything techniques some anime companies used in the early to mid-'00s, so it has yet to be licensed. Booooo.
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