Kiss/Hug is a short, 3-volume, shoujo manga series by Mitsuki Kako. The series which was serialized in Betsucomi in 2007 centers around the love story of Ryuu and Yukino. Yukino has a penchant for running away with her mouth. It can be a good thing, it can be a bad thing. It was the reason the hottie Ryuu was intrigued by her but it was also the reason Yukino landed into trouble with some delinquents at the Tanabata festival.Things took a twisted turn when Ryuu declares that he would make her his and ends up staying at her family's flower shop. Despite having zero experience in love, Yukino slowly warmed up to him and felt love blooming in her heart. But it was not long before she realized what a mismatched couple they were. She was just a simple high school student while Ryuu was a young business prodigy. The difference in their worlds continued to set them apart but true love was a strong bond not easily broken.First thing, I have to get this out of me: Ryuu-kun is sooo smoldering haaawwttt! *^^* Kiss/Hug is short, sweet and simple. I don't have a problem with it being short. As the focus was only on the problem of their differences and not 101 other things common to shoujo, it made the manga more real like. Of course there's exaggeration on the whole lifestyle part, but the feelings conveyed were something readers could relate to. The art is also very beautiful especially the scenes at Ryuu's private island. But I thought that the dress Yukino wore to the party with Ryuu did not match her character much. She should have opted for something more young, but then again, she had to match up the one of the world's business tycoons. The characters are all very lovable, the assertive Ryuu, the straight-forward Yukino, Ryuu's assistants, Yukino's mother and even her pets! So overall, it was a very lovely read. Totally made me sigh in the end... :DGenre: Drama, Romance, School Life, ShoujoRating: 9/10
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