I finally finished Umineko no Naku Koro ni! The ending is really... Unsatisfying!!! Throughout the series, I was looking forward to twists which might disprove the theories of magic and witches, but sadly, the many twists only further reinforced the existence of magic. Even though I'm disappointed with the ending, I'm certainly hoping for a second season as it will most certainly solve most of the mysteries/puzzles.Story: (7/10) – Fairly GoodThere are four arcs in Umineko no Naku Koro ni. The arcs are meant to introduce the mysterious circumstances surrounding Rokkenjima and the legend of the Golden Witch. Each arc in this series contains all the previous arcs.I believe the setting of the story is perfect for a mystery. However, the execution is lackluster. Throughout the series, it's heavily implied that magic really do(?) exist (i.e. all the servants aka furniture have special powers =.=), and it made the battle between Beatrice and Battler seem really meaningless. I hope if there's ever a season 2, it will prove what I said above wrong.Characters: (7/10) – Fairly GoodFrankly, there's no one in this series I particularly like. However, there's a character I really hate: Maria!! Her uh-uh is really IRRITATING!Ok.. let's forget about Maria and skip to the 2 main characters:Battler - He's supposedly an intelligent and logical person. However, the anime certainly did not portray him that way. Beatrice - She's supposed to be badass but in the end, she turned out to be more tsundere than terrifying. =.=!Art/Animation: (7/10) – Fairly GoodThe animation quality varies from time to time, but most of the time, it's not too bad. I especially like those parts with the red/blue text. As for the art, it's not sometime I like. Also, the character designs lack originality.Music: (8/10) – GoodThough the Opening theme and Ending theme are not my cup of tea, they fit the mood of the anime very well. Enjoyment: (6/10) – Good The anime started off pretty well and I did enjoy it but towards the end, it started moving at bullet train speed and it felt that some important details were left out.Overall: (7/10) – Fairly Good In all, the setting of the story is good but sadly, this anime made a murder mystery story look more like a confusing fantasy story.
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