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 Ichigo is perplexed and confused.  Toshiro Hitsugaya Nebs caught wind this morning that the new episodes of Bleach that were supposed to premiere on Adult Swim this April were no longer on the schedule. Instead, starting on April 24th, Bleach will be in rerun mode, starting back at episode 129-- during the Arrancar arc, when Hitsugaya was being even more super-awesome than usual, if I remember correctly.  I checked in with Adult Swim, and was told that the postponement was due to a "production delay" and that there would be no new premieres until August, assuming everything goes well from here. Disappointing for many, I know, but don't worry-- you'll be getting your new Bleach fix soon enough. Now sit back and enjoy some delicious Hitsugaya, before he gets banned in Japan and wiped out from the series. (Kidding!)
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