Section 23 works fast: it wasn't too long ago that the company announced that they were going to go back and dub Clannad over in English, and to the delight of many they also announced that they would offer some kind of upgrade program for fans who bought the sub-only release and wanted to get the dub as well. The details on the upgrade are now available for anyone who wants to do it. The basics are: if you bought both collections, you need to send in both sets (including the cases and sleeve art) plus $23 for the upgrade and postage-- and to Right Stuf, who is apparently handling the upgrade for S23. Section23 Reveals the Details of their CLANNAD Upgrade Program "Wait, how does this work?" Curiously, if you only bought one of the collections and want to upgrade, you have to send in the product and $38 for the upgrade and shipping. That sucks if you bought collection 1 but hadn't picked up #2 yet, but on the other hand, since the dub is only being released in a complete collection, Section23 has to essentially create a new SKU. That said, I'm betting most of the Clannad fans who are looking forward to the dub either didn't buy the sub-only version, or bought both collections, so hopefully there won't be many people caught in that scenario! So, who's going for it? Or are you gonna wait until it's on the Anime Network on Thursday to try out first? Sound off!
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