It looks like Aniplex has launched an official US website for the Gurren Lagann movies, via ANN, which retell the story of the TV series but with occasional new footage. There's nothing very interesting there right now, just a glowing drill. But the fact that the site exists is kind of interesting in and of itself: I usually think of Aniplex as pushing titles like this when they're trying to get them licensed. But I can't imagine Bandai Entertainment wouldn't be happy to license the flicks. I wonder what's up?I know, I know, it could theoretically be an April Fools joke (it'd be easy to snatch up Aniplex's logo), but a WhoIs search checks out pretty heavily, so it's legit. (Can I just say, this "holiday" kinda blows for journalists?) Anyway, it's hopefully a good sign for the Gurren Lagann flicks in the US. Now, I know a lot of you have already seen the two films, whether you saw it at one of Aniplex's convention premieres or in an illicit fashion. But I, for one, would die to have both flicks on Blu-Ray. (Then again, I don't think they've been released on Blu-Ray in Japan yet, either...). How about you?
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