The anime Tamayura is set in Takehara, an old town near Hiroshima. It was the "Day of Tamayura" in Takehara on Sunday, and Taketatsu Ayana -- who stars as Fuu -- was made mayor for a day.Iguchi Yuka (Norie) was fire chief, Asumi Kana (Kaoru) was education director, and Gibu Yuuko (Maon) was captain of a ferry.The photo is of Taketatsu with the real mayor. More photos below, and in the original report.The anime's director, Satou Junichi was there, too. He said that they chose the Inland Sea town of 30,000, which is part of greater Hiroshima, because it would form a perfect setting, not just for an anime, but even for a film. With its old streets and sea and mountains, he said the town was like a character in the anime.Ayanyan said in her blog that the day was just wonderful, wandering from place to place, seeing the settings used in the anime. The town and the lapping waters were beautiful, the night views sparkled, the air was warm, and the people were all warm, too. It was a lovely experience, despite getting bitten by mosquitoes.She also said that she and Iguchi Yuka had a wonderful time bathing together morning and evening.Iguchi Yuka, Asumi Kana, Taketatsu Ayana (l-r)Director Satou Junichi and seiyuu Gibu Yuuko.Ayanyan receiving her certificate of office. Yukachi (Iguchi Yuka) waits her turn. In the mayor's chair.The streets of TakeharaTamayura photo exhibition. Pages from the storyboard.Tamayura souvenirs.Ayanyan and Yukachi, from Ayanyan's blog
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