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Tommy heavenly6's new PV features Dango, flying cow, ditzy Samurai, and phantom Ninja - although not necessarily in that order. This song is actually the opening theme for Gintama so I suppose those elements work very well to promote the series, which is quite wacky on its own. The PV is also equally hilarious in that Tommy kind of way. It begins with a flying carriage lead by flying cow landing roughly into the ground. Tommy, who assumes the role of the Samurai, falls over from the carriage because she tries to jump while the carriage is still moving. It's one of those embarassing moments that you hope won't happen to you while you try to impress someone. The Samurai then goes to a town filled with phantom Ninja and Evil Samurai and dispatches them one by one. With the power of supreme Dango, of course the Samurai wins!! Anyway, if you want the PV, Tokyo Toshokan has the big version. And if you just want a peek of it, try this: Tommy heavenly6 - Pray (YouTube Video)
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