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This was one of the animes that I wanted to watch more this season. And for the no very good quality of this season anime, Madoka Magica disappointed me a bit, for me is the best anime of this season that I watched. The animation is very good, using soft colors that makes it very nice. The music is awesome, and combines very good with story in each moment of the episode. The seiyu cast is also great, I didn't know that was working in it Mizuki Nana, Horie Yui and Toyosaki Aki. And the story seems that will be sweet and touching. The only negative point that I found is that story is a bit confusing at the beginning because there are a lot of characters and, the relation between them, isn't explained. So I was a bit lost at first. Hope that will explain it better in next episodes. Anyway, seems that will be a great anime.
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