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Luffy helps Shiraboshi leave the palace, while Hachi warns Sanji and Chopper of an impending attack by the New Fishman Pirates. Haven't washed in ten years... man I don't want to know what it smells like. Summary: Brook and Minister of the Right witness Luffy and Megalo flying out of the tower, but they don't notice that Shiraboshi is inside Megalo. Only after Megalo and Luffy has left does the Minister realize that Shiraboshi is gone. The minister and Brook are then attacked by the human pirates tossed into the tower, and the pirates explain that they have no choice but to attack. Meanwhile at Coral Hill, Sanji and Chopper have beaten up all the people who are bothering them. Chopper then hears the call for a doctor and he and Sanji end up finding Hachi who is heavily wounded by arrows. Hachi tells Sanji and Chopper to gather the crew and leave asap as the New Fishman Pirates are coming to attack. Some time ago at "Noah", Van Der Decken is about to demonstrate his Devil Fruit powers when Hachi comes out to try to convince Jones to turn back. Jones had welcomed Hachi to his group due to Hachi being a former Arlong Pirate, but now he is tired of Hachi. Der Decken proceeds to demonstrate his powers by touching Hachi with his bare left hand and then tosses a knife upwards, and the knife turns around and hits Hachi's back like a guided missile. Der Decken is then given a bunch or arrows which he also tosses. Hachi dashes into the water, but gets hit by the arrows anyways. With Hachi's departure, Der Decken explains that he can remember two targets at the same time, and his gloved right hand is the one that he touched Shiraboshi with and thus can throw stuff at her all day. Jones takes over and explains to the human pirates that they will be tossed into the palace by Der Decken, and if they want to live they had better follow orders. Back at the present at Koukaku Tower, the human pirates explain they have to open the entry corridors or they'll be killed. Brook carries the minister back to the throne chamber to report the invasion and the missing princess, and the Straw Hats aren't sure what they are supposed to do about it. Somewhere on Fishman Island, Luffy, Shiraboshi and Megalo are heading towards a grave in the Sea Forest. The grave belongs to Queen Otohime (presumably Shiraboshi's mother), and Jinbei happens to be there right now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hachi and Jinbei finally showed up, and we also got an explanation of Van Der Decken's powers. From the explanation, it sound that Van Der Decken has a Devil Fruit power and thus he is unable to swim despite being a fishman. That gloved right hand of his is probably going to become important down the line. The situation at Fishman Island is starting to become a mess, and there is probably still more to it given how Hachi and Jinbei didn't want Luffy and the Straw Hats to get involved in the conflict. I'm guessing the reason is something other than "the bad guys are too strong", since that'll never hold up to Luffy who has faced Marine Admirals and other extremely strong opponents. Maybe it's about fishmen not wanting to stand in the way of other fishmen or something along those lines. From the feed of A Product of Wasted Time
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