Accelerator and Last Order are attacked by someone from Accelerator's past, while Vento of the Front invades Academy City.
If you didn't like the costume, you could have just said no instead of running through a wall.
Somewhere in Russia, Sasha Kruezhev (whose body was taken over by an angel during Angel Fall) is researching about angels when she is approached by her superior Vassilisa. Vassilisa wants Sasha to change into a magical girl costume which prompts Sasha to run through a wall to escape.
Getting hit in the face once wasn't enough, Accelerator just had to make sure that Kihara can hit him but letting Kihara punch him in the face again.
Accelerator and Last Order are walking back to Yomikawa's place when Last Order slips and scrapes her knees. Accelerator tells Last Order to sit at a bench and goes to a store to buy some band-aids for her. While walking back to Last Order, Accelerator is attacked by a heavily-armed and masked paramilitary soldiers but they are unable to do any damage to Accelerator. Accelerator is then confronted by the leader of the soldiers Amata Kihara who also happens to be the researcher that helped develop Accelerator's abilities. Amata and Accelerator are not exactly happy to see each other and both vow to kill the other. Accelerator thinks Amata can't do anything to him but is knocked around by Amata. Amata has intimate knowledge of Accelerator's ability and also has a sonic device that screws up the redirection, and thus Accelerator is quickly left bloodied and lying on the road. Amata then explains that the primary objective for his squad is to capture Last Order and Amata's soldiers bring an unconscious Last Order forward, but Accelerator manage to generate a whirlwind to blow Last Order away. Amata orders his men to go look for Last Order and then gets ready to finish Accelerator, but suddenly he notices Index standing nearby on the road.
Last Order would have enjoyed flying if she was awake.
Meanwhile, Touma is busy looking for Index in the underground shopping district. Index had run off to return some tissues she had gotten from Accelerator. Touma runs back to the surface and sees a lot of Anti-Skills around, but suddenly all the cops drop to the ground. Touma checks that the Anti-Skills are uninjured but for some reason have been rendered unconscious. Touma is then approached by Last Order who begs Touma to save Accelerator.
I'm impressed that she can still talk so clearly despite a cross hanging off the tip of her tongue. Must be magic.
Not far away, Vento of the Front renders more Anti-Skills unconscious and picks up a radio to call Aleister. Vento declares she'll destroy Academy City along with Touma and Index, but Aleister tells her that there is far more to the city than she knows. Aleister then orders Amata to sic Hyoka Kazakiri on Vento.
After a two episode plot-filler break, Index is back on the serious side again starting with Accelerator receiving his second beating of the series. Whatever happened to the Accelerator from earlier in the season that destroyed half a block and flew on tornado wings? Just like the fight against Touma, Accelerator doesn't know how to deal with an opponent who can bypass his redirection and gets suckered into close combat in which he is at a distinct disadvantage. Accelerator would be extremely hard to take down (even for Touma and Amata) if he just keeps his distance and tosses debris, but I guess one beating at Touma's right hand wasn't quite enough for Accelerator to learn the lesson.
Despite Accelerator's stupidity and how one-sided the fight was, this was a decent action episode. Accelerator ends up bloodied but he'll live, but I wonder what happens to Index who walked into the end of the battle. Vento makes her first appearance within the city, and Aleister is going to use Hyoka to deal with Vento which should be quite interesting, but it doesn't look like it'll happen next week. The preview for next episode was all over the place, but I'm hoping the action will continue.
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