Hello everyone,
here we are for another quick review about a recently aired light novel/manga/anime series written by Isao Miura and named "Seiken no Blacksmith".
We'll see during this review with the aid of the wallpapers why it became "boobsmith" when talking between people during the air.
Let's start with a synopsys :
44 years ago, a great war known as the Valbanill War ravaged the land. One of the war's most dangerous weapons was the Demon Contract, where humans sacrifice their bodies to become powerful demons. Realizing the damage the contracts have caused the land, the surviving nations made peace and banned the use of the Demon contracts.
Cecily Cambell is a 3rd generation Knight from Housman, one of the cities of the Independent Trade Cities, a democratic federation of cities. As her grandfather was one of the founders of the Independent Trade Cities, she is proud of her heritage and wishes to protect her city as a knight, like her father and grandfather before her. One day, she fights a mad veteran of the war causing trouble in the market, and, inexperienced and overmatched, faces defeat. But she is saved by a mysterious blacksmith named Luke Ainsworth. Cecily is impressed by Luke's katana, a weapon she has never seen before, and asks him to make one for her. Her involvement with Luke will bring her to an adventure she never expected.
Yes, as you may have noticed, there is some rpg reminiscent story in this series. Demons, swords, magic, some pretty girl added to the top, but don't be fooled.
This anime is mostly about quality fanservice. You won't be watching any solid and interesting story in here. (unfortunately as the premise was quite good)
Our main character (a female this time, quite nice change) is not famous for her sword skill and is the main cause of that nickname given to the series, if you catch my meaning.
Anyway all the characters are likable, maybe except a little the stubborn Luke. There is plenty of female cast in this series too even though the anime didn't give them enough screentime for their character to develop (there is no growth at all in the characters in this anime).
The graphical department in this anime is very high quality and is pretty much consistent for the duration of the series.
The battle scenes looks very nice and are well animated, but unfortunately they are very few during the whole series.
The seiyuu working on this anime are mostly low profile, but they do their job pretty well in portraying the characters and their emotion.
The OP and ED are decent, but nothing to get excited for (in both animation and song), while the soundtrack is pretty nice!
My favourite character is, of course, our main character Cecily Cambell, her character is the most funny and cute to see between the all female cast. (No, Lisa is not interesting at all. It's too much childish.)
Concluding, this may not be the best anime out there, but if you got some time to spare give it a try.
It's a nice pick to relax a little and watch some old style rpg story with fanservice and a little plot twist at the end.
See you tomorrow,
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