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Name: Hayate no Gotoku (Hayate the Combat Butler) Genre: Comedy Year: 2007 Rating: Enjoyable (Predicted) Ayasaki Hayate is an unfortunate high school student. Despite his efforts to save up money by taking on part time both his parents keep incurring debt. Hayate is at the point where he has lost all hope in justice and life. If honestly working hard won't bring him fortune maybe a life of crime may work. After finding out that his Christmas present is a 150 million yen debt from his parents he decides to seize the opportunity in holding a girl ransom. However this rich girl misunderstands his intentions and is lead to believe he is confessing his love to her. Hayate is no first class criminal, though he has an extraordinary physic he completely messes up his kidnapping plan. However it may seem that his luck has changed when he is given the chance to become Sanzenin Nagi's personal butler.
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