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I wish that I could say that something more concrete happened in the plot this week, but we're still stuck with small hints. At least the length of Saya's school life segment is continuing to decrease in favor of better battle scenes. In fact, the only thing that roughly the first ten minutes of the episode accomplishes is it continues to show that Saya is dense when it comes to relationships. Sure, she can handle basic friendships easily enough, but as Tokizane points out she doesn't really get what it means to "like" someone. Is this just part of the strange air-headed half of her personality or is she claiming to "like" people simply because it fits in with the schoolgirl role that she's supposed to be playing? I can't shake the feeling that a lot of what Saya is doing is an act, whether she's aware of it or not, and the strange bloody flashbacks in this episode seem to support my thoughts. It's also very clear now that Saya's father is hiding things from her; it's obvious that he knows about whatever this "covenant" is by the way he dodged the question at the beginning of this episode. There's also the Elder Barin's claim that Saya and the monsters that it was controlling are the same, which makes me wonder if Saya's father is pulling all the strings here or if there's someone above him. It's even more obvious that Fumito knows a lot more than he lets on, and I don't trust his desserts either. Hopefully the next episode's change in weather will move things forward a bit. But I'm not counting on it. Images from
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