Hataraku Maou-Sama 06 - School Detectives - Maou sama has a new minion under his realm...Urushihara a.k.a. Lucifer is now a neet boy. He develops some abilities and now He is a hacker...sort of. Meanwhile, the landlord sent a picture of her wearing a swimsuit...and God, the image is so disturbing that it can defeat any demon. Just check all the reactions from those three stooges... Urushihara sent Maou and Ashiya to Chiho school to investigate something...a place where Maou could regain his powers due to a supernatural force gathered in a mysterious classroom...Oh yeah, it was a whole joke that made me laugh. Meanwhile a new neighbor arrives and it promises to complicate things probably. She might be the mysterious girl that We saw early in the episode. Something is stirring in Ente Isla. Being honest with you, I found this episode a little bit boring at first and I thought the series were down hill...However, things got better after watching the episode. During the credits, We see that this new girl is part of the cast and will probably have an important role. I hope this new neighbor can make things more interesting. Maou san still have that touch.Hataraku Maou-Sama 06 - School Detectives -Hataraku Maou-Sama 06 - School Detectives - Maou sama has a new minion under his realm...Urushihara a.k.a. Lucifer is now a neet boy. He develops some abilities and now He is a hacker...sort of. Meanwhile, the landlord sent a picture of her wearing a swimsuit...and God, the image is so disturbing that it can defeat any demon. Just check all the reactions from those three stooges... Urushihara sent Maou and Ashiya to Chiho school to investigate something...a place where Maou could regain his powers due to a supernatural force gathered in a mysterious classroom...Oh yeah, it was a whole joke that made me laugh. Meanwhile a new neighbor arrives and it promises to complicate things probably. She might be the mysterious girl that We saw early in the episode. Something is stirring in Ente Isla. Being honest with you, I found this episode a little bit boring at first and I thought the series were down hill...However, things got better after watching the episode. During the credits, We see that this new girl is part of the cast and will probably have an important role. I hope this new neighbor can make things more interesting. Maou san still have that touch.
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