From Mobile Suit Gundam AGE anime series, this is Gundam Age : AGE-2 Gundam AGE-2 Normal 1/144 Scale Model Bandai . Transformable Gundam used in the second act of “Gundam Age.” Can transform between flight mode and mobile suit mode through minor part swapping. Double jointed arms and legs and ball jointed torso allow for many expressive poses to be replicated from the show. Includes two beam saber, mega dodds rifle, and shield, as well as an assortment of expressive hands. Display stand included. The AGE-2 Gundam AGE-2 Normal is the successor of the AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Normal, appearing in the Asemu Arc of Mobile Suit Gundam AGE. The unit is piloted by Asemu Asuno. A next generation Gundam that is built based on the combat data of the Gundam AGE-1 and the second Gundam built using the AGE System. The unit is designed as a high-speed combat unit, able to transform into a Strider mode (also referred to as “G-Strider”), a fighter-like form which flies at three times the speed of its MS mode. In this form, AGE-2 is capable of atmospheric entry. The unit also has a wear system, similar to the AGE-1, which allows the operator to [...]
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