From Mobile Suit Gundam SEED anime series, this is Gundam SEED : ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam Real Grade 1/144 Scale Model Bandai . 1/144 Real Grade version of the popular Freedom Gundam from Gundam Seed. Featuring the advanced MS Joint for ultimate range of motion and mechanical detail, this realistic version of Freedom contains exchangeable hands for holding different weaponry, and the ability to be put in iconic beam spam poses. Special marking stickers are provided to simulate realistic placement of maintenance hatches and ports. Panel lines designed to show separation of metal panels on the “real” machine. Beam saber x2, beam rifle x1, shield x1, railguns x2, plasma canons x2. The ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam (aka Freedom, X10A) is a mobile suit that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. The unit is piloted by Kira Yamato. The Freedom Gundam is primarily designed for ranged combat and thus features a large number of long range weapons. Its armaments includes plasma beam cannons, railguns, CIWS guns, beam sabers, a beam rifle, and a shield. In Gundam Seed Destiny, Shinn Asuka said it is probably “the most powerful mobile suit out there.” Also noted is its exceptional speed. [...]
Related figures:
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED : ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam 1/144 Scale Model Kit
Gundam SEED Destiny : ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam
Gundam Age : AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Normal 1/144 Scale Model Bandai
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