Hataraku Maou-Sama 07 - Suzuno the New girl on the block - Episode begins with the new girl in town, Suzuno "Crestia Bell" Kamazuki. She is cute and flat chested. Details noticed by Emi. Highlights of the episode includes Emi punching and kicking poor Maou. That was cruel. I think Emi is too concerned about Maou. There are some confusion and misunderstandings between Emi and the new girl. Second thing about this episode is the bento made for Maou. It really unleashed the green monster in Chiho. Jealousy! What was that heart on that rice? Maou is losing points in this episode somehow. That scene was hilarious. Last thing on this episode, there is an "xmen" cyclops sort of, enemy that attacks Emilia. What the hell was that? Anyway. this is the 7th episode of the series. So far, so good. I will not tell too much about this episode so You dont get spoiled but I am concerned that the plot is getting slow and jokes are getting somehow repetitive. I hope the upcoming batch of episodes can bring something new. That phone call from Chiho to Emi made me laugh although. A big step in Maou x Emi x Chiho relationship might be highly appreciated. On a side note, in the preview for the next episode, there is a guy that looks very similar to one of the Team Rocket from Pokemon. Blah.Hataraku Maou-Sama 07 - New girl on the block -Hataraku Maou-Sama 07 - Suzuno the New girl on the block - Episode begins with the new girl in town, Suzuno "Crestia Bell" Kamazuki. She is cute and flat chested. Details noticed by Emi. Highlights of the episode includes Emi punching and kicking poor Maou. That was cruel. I think Emi is too concerned about Maou. There are some confusion and misunderstandings between Emi and the new girl. Second thing about this episode is the bento made for Maou. It really unleashed the green monster in Chiho. Jealousy! What was that heart on that rice? Maou is losing points in this episode somehow. That scene was hilarious. Last thing on this episode, there is an "xmen" cyclops sort of, enemy that attacks Emilia. What the hell was that? Anyway. this is the 7th episode of the series. So far, so good. I will not tell too much about this episode so You dont get spoiled but I am concerned that the plot is getting slow and jokes are getting somehow repetitive. I hope the upcoming batch of episodes can bring something new. That phone call from Chiho to Emi made me laugh although. A big step in Maou x Emi x Chiho relationship might be highly appreciated. On a side note, in the preview for the next episode, there is a guy that looks very similar to one of the Team Rocket from Pokemon. Blah.
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