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Synopsis: Tadayasu befriends two students. Tadayasu and Kei rush to a balcony to find out where the homohiochi are coming from. Tadayasu sees that they're coming from a room below. In that room, homohiochi float from a huge vat. A man looks into the vat and wonders if there's something strange about it. His companion takes a look and says there's nothing wrong about it. The other, however, says it smells weird. Kei wonders why homohiochi are there. Haruka and Prof. Itsuki come out. Haruka says the building is old so it isn't used much except for the professor's lab. Prof. Itsuki comments that there are students who use it anyway. [ This is only an excerpt for the post! Go the the website for the full content + pictures + links. ]
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