The story starts out differently from the anime and manga, in the drama Takemoto Yuta played by Ikuta Toma (Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, Akihabara@Deep) meets Hanamoto Hagumi played by Narumi Riko (Ichi Rittoru no Namida, Ruri no Shima) almost as soon as the drama begins. I was a little worried before the drama began that Narumi Riko was too big to play Hagumi who looks like a middle schooler in the manga and anime and was played by the somewhat more petite Aoi Yu (Hula Girl) in the movie version, but after the opening scene I was convinced. When she gave Takemoto that Mona Lisa smile by the pond I knew that she'd be just perfect as Hagumi. I'm not going to say anymore about the plot I don't want to spoil the fun that's to come for everyone who hasn't already read the manga, watched the anime or seen the live action movie.Love Song & SARS-Fansubs released the English hardsub this afternoon for the first episode and they've done a beautiful job and very fast hardsub release. Download the bit torrent file here. The fonts look great as well as the karaoke and the video quality is excellent. If you prefer a RAW video file you can download the bit torrent file for that here., and soft subs for episode one here. Personally I like this series so much I'm grabbing both.By now I believe that she's HagumiNice use of karaoke effects and they also don't clutter the screen concealing the video.
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