Nodame (Noda Megumi) played by Ueno Juri (Orange Days, Jodan ja nai!) and Chiaki Shinichi played by Tamaki Hiroshi (Atsu-hime, Great Teacher Onizuka) are graduating from college with their friend Mine Ryutaro played by Eita (Orange Days, Lunch no Joou), then Nodame and Chiaki are off to Europe with a stop in Prague for a concert by Chiaki’s former instructor Sebastino Vieira. Then they head for Paris where it becomes apparent that Nodame can’t speak French. But at their apartment building Nodame learns to speak French when their neighbor and French otaku Frank played by Wentz Eiji (Gegege no Kitaro, Lovely Complex) plays a French dubbed anime favorite of Nodame. Tanya a Russian music student played by Becky (Rondo, Stand Up!!) is another of their neighbors and she has her eye on Chiaki.All the elements that made the award winning drama series are reunited and a very enjoyable two part sequel has begun. The characters are outstanding I particularly enjoyed Frank, and the train station scene loaded with French cosplayers on the way to see Nodame’s favorite mangaka. If you haven’t seen the drama I highly recommend that you grab it and watch it now it is one of my all time favorite dramas, manga and anime. This special could still be enjoyed even if you haven’t seen the series as it stands very well on its own, but the series is so great don’t deprive yourself.Download the RAW video bit torrent file here; the soft subs for part one of the special can be downloaded here. SARS-Fansubs will be releaseing a hardsub edition if you prefer them, I'll post links for that and for the soft subs for part of the special as they are released.
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