OP Theme: 「Special Life!」 by KOTOKO - AVI version (28MB) | PSP version (coming soon)
Before you pass on judgment, please let me explain. Anyone who read this blog surely know that I don't usually go for ecchi series like this one, let alone blogging it. Having said that, this one is actually funny. I'll be the first to admit that I have a juvenile sense of humor and this series has some of that. See, unlike other lame ecchi series, the focus here is not so much of the ecchiness but rather the hilarious reasoning behind said ecchiness. Okay, I don't think I'm making any sense. How do I say this better? This series makes me laugh out loud because it somehow appeals to my juvenile sense of humor. Anyway, with 2 other series coming up next Saturday, I'm still not sure if I will cover this permanently but the first episode was funny, IMO. It also helps that the animation quality is unusually great for this kind of title. I'm actually a bit surprised that Madhouse is the one who's responsible for this adaptation since they usually do a more serious anime type.
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