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ON/OFF - Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi (video-ripped MP3, 2MB) Even though the song's lyrics suggest a rather scandalous situation between two characters in the series, I really hope that I'm wrong about the two characters that I had in mind. Anyway, if you don't know what I'm talking about, just ignore what I said up above but if you do and want to discuss it, please use the spoiler tag. The reason I'm doing this (even though the PV is not even out yet) is because I can't get the song out of my head and I can't stop playing the OP on my PSP. Maybe if I do an entry on it, I can get it out of my system. Besides, I wanted to do a full screencaps of the OP and I couldn't really do that in the episodic entry. While I haven't seen every single OP title out there, I think Vampire Knight's OP title is one of the best that I've seen so far. Granted, it's not fully animated but I don't think a good OP title needs to be fully animated to be effective and attractive. Sometimes the lack of detailed motions can be more exciting than fully-animated ones because what one's brain can imagine is a lot more stronger than what can be shown on-screen.
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