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This video was originally posted by someone on the comment area of episode 02 but since I wasn't sure if it's a good idea to post it or not, I withheld the comment. Well, now that it blew all over the internet, I suppose it's okay to show it. Basically, someone from the production company leaked the last quarter part of episode 3. The scene in question shows Lelouch using Shirley (again) to avoid his spies (which includes Rollo and Villetta). There is also a scene where Li is seen pointing his sword at a Black Knight members. The scene in question suggests Li is not happy at them so it's likely that he knows about what happened to Gaohai. Anyway, because of the leak, there's a rumor that there won't be episode aired next week as the staff scramble to change the scene in question. There hasn't been any official word about this matter so far.
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