2 days left until Christmas, Hagumi played by Narumi Riko (Enka no Joou, Ichi Rittoru no Namida) and Yamada Ayumi played by Harada Natsuki (Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, Kurosagi) are busy making t-shirts while Morita played by Narimiya Hiroki (Sushi Oji!, Orange Days) lays in front of their table in a Santa suit. Takemoto played by Ikuta Toma (Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, Akihabara@Deep) dressed in a reindeer costume watches Hagumi try to hide her feelings for Morita, while the neighbourhood children beat him and make fun of his costume. Yamada intervenes and the children run off as Hagumi strokes his costume. Takemoto wishes he could stay as a reindeer forever. Yamada’s Father played by Izumiya Shigeru (Yukan Club, Kurosagi), comes back and starts to argue with Morita, but they both start beating on Takemoto when he tries to intervene. When Takemoto in attempt to escape knocks over the deliver bike loaded with four bottles of wine worth $800, he’s forced to work off his debt.Episode 4 Christmas, Episode 3 Summer Fireworks, Episode 2 Winter at the Beach, Episode 1 Spring Orientation. I think that is the problem with this show, no episode to episode continuity, it seems that at least six months go by between the weekly episodes. The actors and actress are all good in their roles but the story lacks any punch because it loses its slice of life feel, if the only thing shown is two highlights per year. I think the writers are being too ambitious trying to fit the entire two season anime storyline into one drama series and the result is the story loses it’s intimacy with the characters. I’m pretty disappointed in this drama but I’m going to finish it someday, but the new drama season is just begun so it'll have to wait. I saw two of the new spring season's dramas today both very different but entertaining shows that I'll be posting about in a couple of days. Download the complete series English hardsub bit torrent files released by LoveSong & SARS here.
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