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I have to admit that I'm quite surprised with the decision that the animation team made in regards to this adaptation. At first I thought they'd be staying away from all of the erotic part of the series but that's not true at all. This episode is particularly kinky with all the neck, blood, and finger licking good that each vampire does to another vampire or human. This also makes me realized how unfazed I am with this kind of thing anymore. A few years ago, I would be too embarrassed to include some of the screenshots that I took for this episode. Now, I just don't see the problem with it and sometimes they kind of amuse me. It makes me wonder if anime does lower my inhibitions or it just makes me shameless. XD Wait, maybe I shouldn't have wrote that because this is how the media over-exaggerates things and claims that anime is an evil influence that turns good people into the perverted types that anime fans are known for. :D
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