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Orange Range - O2 (45MB, PSP/Quicktime format) To be honest I didn't really like song the first time I heard it. While the lyric seems relevant to Lelouch and Nunnaly's situation in Code Geass R2, the actual melody and composition of the song are not really the best that I've heard coming Orange Range. I am actually kind of amused that the producers decided to use Orange Range and wondered if they want the viewers to be reminded of Orange-kun. I don't think that's the case but it's a bit amusing everytime I heard about it. Anyway, I still think the song is not as great as Colors but the full version seems to be better and less abrupt than the TV Size. The PV itself is very funny and features Orange Range members dressed up as Samurai in Edo period. They end up helping this one hapless Samurai to be with his lover when the hapless Samurai is beaten up by a bunch of henchmen. At one point, one of the members actually move at a lightning speed and grabs all of the swords from the henchmen's hand. On a glance, it looks similar to what Rolo can do when he uses his geass. In general though, nothing about the PV gives any impression of Code Geass whatsoever, making me wonder if the group actually wrote the song first before being informed that it'll be used as an OP theme for the series.
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