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Sorry for the lack of larger-size images. I got a crappy raw and besides, I intend on replacing most of the screenshots with the widescreen ones later on. If you're wondering if this episode contains some kind of crossover to Tsubasa Chronicle, you're setting up yourself for a big disappointment. As I thought, several changes have been made to the storyline. To begin with, this story was meant as a follow up to Himawari's arc but since that arc has not happened yet, Watanuki ends up going to the cake shop only with Doumeki. In addition to this, the writers completely scraps the part of the story where Moro and Maru are essential to keep the store intact. In this episode, both spirits are perfectly fine, changing the storyline in a big way. This particular story made the manga slightly more tense but at the same time, it also made things feel all over the place. It was weird to read a story that is interconnected to Tsubasa Chronicle on several pages and then seeing the story back talking about case-of-the-week on other pages. It often makes me wonder if those two stories are connected but in most cases, the answer is no. As a result, it just creates confusion. But now that the writers scrapped Tsubasa-related plot out, I wonder if they'll ever explain the purpose behind Yuuko's store.
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