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In my previous post I mentioned there was a bug in my Evangelion 1.01 DVD in which the end of scene 6 cannot transact to scene 7. Not sure am I the only one having this problem but others I know do not have this problem.So one day after the post was published, I received an e-mail from the DVD distributor informing me that they will mail a new DVD to me together with the introductory booklet.I was delighted but I also wonder how do they know I have a faulty DVD? After thinking through it, I came to the conclusion that it must be the e-mail address I wrote inside the reply slip to redeem the introductory booklet. I wrote gordonator_blogspot @ xxx as my e-mail so I guess whoever got the slip saw it and visited my blog. He/She must had read my entry the day before and decided to take the initiative to replace my DVD.Good customer service do exist after all and I very thankful for that.
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